Lecture by George Atkinson
Lecture by George Atkinson
‘A lecture dealing with a well-considered analysis of the more extreme tendencies in recent modern art [Post-Impressionism], was delivered by Mr. G. Atkinson R.H.A. at the School of Art. He dealt with the characteristics of preceding [art] forms in order to establish a connection with present activities and to show whether these activities were merely isolated eccentricities or abnormalities that might be disregarded as wholly transitory and negligible. …It was the belief in many quarters that the modern tendencies appearing in art were due to the abnormal and disintegrating conditions arising out of the [First World] war. …There was no doubt that the war did much to accentuate the note of violence and the vividness apparent in some of its aspects, but the war could not be the originating cause, as the seeds of the movement …were sown during the latter yeas of the nineteenth century’
[Extract from Cork Examiner, 14 November 1923, p4]
Atkinson’s lecture was the last in a series of public lectures organised by Cork School of Art during 1923 which included its own teaching staff:
Emmett Place, Cork, Ireland
T12 TNE6
Tel: 021 480 5042
Opening Hours
N.B. Last entry is 15 minutes before closing
Monday–Saturday 10.00am–5.00pm*
Thursday until 8.00pm
Sundays and Bank Holidays
11.00 am–4.00pm
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