Lecture by George Atkinson
‘The recent successes of students of the Cork School of Art in public national competitions are a matter upon which congratulations may be extended to the Committee that governs the School, to the Head Master (Mr. Hugh Charde), and his capable assistants, and to the successful students themselves. The honours attained have been won under difficult and unusual conditions, and, consequently, it is all the more gratifying to find that local talent, properly guided, has again done much to revive the fame of the local Art School, which, in the past has produced so many brilliant men.
‘…Men who have attained world-wide fame received their early training in the Cork School of Art and reflected credit on their country, and the latest distinctions awarded to students of the present generation lead one to hope for a revival of the halcyon days associated with the old [Royal] Cork Institution (a forerunner of the present University College Cork with the object of ‘diffusing knowledge and the application of science to the common purposes in life’).’
Winners included: 4th year student Agnes Frost (later to be a member of staff) wins ‘first place in drawing from natural forms’; Miss Winifred Costello, 1st place in industrial design; Miss G Nolan, object and memory drawing. In the Royal Dublin Society (RDS) competitions Miss Christina O’Sullivan won ‘a silver medal for lace; Miss Kitty Dunlea, bronze medal for lace; Miss Julia Neville, bronze medal for crochet’.
Minutes of Meeting:…Ministry of Finance have sanctioned ‘continuance of 33 1/3% rate of bonus to part-time teachers’. …Cork Municipal School of Art: £3 8 for purchase of timber for Woodcarving Classes. Mr Joseph Higgins appointed adjudicator for Easter Competitions at ‘the usual rate of £3 3 0’.
[source: Vol58.County Borough of Cork Technical Instruction Committee minute book (General Committee) April 1918-September 1924]
(Cork Municipal School of Music)
by the pupils of
Miss Maud Burrowes
will be held in
Lecture Theatre, School of Art
Saturday 12 May, 4:30 pm
Admission to Public 1/-
[source: Cork Examiner, 5 May 1923, p6]
‘The next business was to consider the report of the sub-committees re: temporary premises for a public library*. In connection with this matter the following report signed by Professor Stockley and Councillor Mulligan was read:
‘Dear Sir,
With reference to the above, we beg to report as follows, viz: Any site to be suitable should be easy of access – in a central position – and immediately available. Our attention was called to the destroyed Tuckey Street police barracks, which is Corporate property, but, on inspection, we found that, except at great expenditure and great loss of time, it could not be made available….This leaves us three possible sites suitable for the purpose:
…There are rooms in this [Cork School of Art] building which are also eminently suitable, but we would incur certain opposition in securing them and if suitable premises could be found elsewhere it would be better for all parties concerned.
…It is right to point out the latter building**could only accommodate a reading room, whereas if we secured the rooms of the School of Art we could have a library as well in peculiarly appropriate surroundings. It was decided to apply to the Cork Market Trustees for permission to use the Corn Exchange for a reading room.’
*On Sunday 12 December, the City Hall and the adjoining Carnegie Free Library was burned in the notorious ‘Burning of Cork’ by British Crown Forces during the War of Independence destroying most of its 15,000 books.
**today Cork District Court, Angelsea Street
***also then on Angelsea Street
[source: Cork Examiner, 14 May 1923, p3]
Emmett Place, Cork, Ireland
T12 TNE6
Tel: 021 480 5042
Opening Hours
N.B. Last entry is 15 minutes before closing
Monday–Saturday 10.00am–5.00pm*
Thursday until 8.00pm
Sundays and Bank Holidays
11.00 am–4.00pm
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