If you would like to get creative at home any of the following materials could come in useful: paper from the recycling box, old magazines and newspapers, envelopes, brown wrapping paper, old wallpaper, and flat cardboard.
Once you have these gathered try working on the varied surfaces with any one or all of the following: crayons, pencils, markers, any type of paint, and a glue stick for collage. If it is difficult to get out and about, you might like to use an image from the slideshow below to get you started.
Emmett Place, Cork, Ireland
T12 TNE6
Tel: 021 480 5042
Opening Hours
N.B. Last entry is 15 minutes before closing
Monday–Saturday 10.00am–5.00pm*
Thursday until 8.00pm
Sundays and Bank Holidays
11.00 am–4.00pm
© 2024 www.crawfordartgallery.ie