Crawford Art Gallery is now closed for redevelopment.

Exhibitions Archive

The Land of Zero

Friday 21 November–Wednesday 17 December 2014
Friday 21 November–Saturday 22 November

"I came across the phrase The Land of Zero in a documentary on the Shakers. The phrase allowed me to connect a group of ideas that I was gathering at the time: intangible moments which temper rational direction; the importance of creating intellectual flexibility around visual art practice; the changing context of visual art practice; the sustaining value of personal networks.  Not a culture of definable outcomes, it welcomes the unintended consequence.The volume of air that inhabits the upper gallery of the CAG will be hung with some 4 – 5 high – tension cables onto which will be placed light responsive plastic. Welded into long sheets they will inhabit the space in advance of The Land of Zero. They will begin an atmosphere by themselves, simply a gesture in advance of the activity that will follow.

A two-day Seminar will be placed in a parting of that space by these hangings, they will ultimately be removed to facilitate the developing exhibition. Perhaps a remnant may survive the emergent show”

Maud Cotter, 2014

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